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JOAN~ROBERT'S SISTER GB Lauren April 27, 2019
Jo~Ann this gift is for you my sweet friend.
Love always your friend Joan, Robert's Sister xoxo
JOAN~ROBERT'S SISTER Hello April 21, 2019
Happy Easter to Jo~Ann and all the family, and also Lauren.
Love from Joan Tsylor and family xoxo
Mom Missing you so much Sweetheart April 3, 2015

To my sweet child

I lit a candle tonight, in honor of you
Remembering your life, and all the times we'd been through.
Such a small little light the candle made
Until I realized how much in darkness it lit the way.
All the tears I've cried in all my grief and pain
What a garden they grew, watered with human rain.
I sometimes can't see beyond the moment, in hopeless despair. 
But then your memory sustains me, in heartaches repair.
I can wait for the tomorrow, when my sorrows ease
Until then I'll light this candle, and let my memories run free.

Always and Forever ~

Mom Your anniversary~from my friend Colin November 6, 2012

My beautiful daughter always wore a smile upon her face
When she danced she always danced with so much grace
This is the day that my daughter fell in to eternal sleep
I cannot help all the tears that she sees me weep
♥ڿڰۣಌ ♥ڿڰۣಌ ♥ڿڰۣಌ ♥ڿڰۣಌ ♥ڿڰۣಌ ♥ڿڰۣಌ ♥ڿڰۣಌ ♥ڿڰۣಌ ♥ڿڰۣಌ

I try so hard to remember all the good times never the bad,
but on her Angel Day I feel the hurt and the pain. I feel so sad
for my daughter that I love and adore so much
How I wish that we could have just one last touch
♥ڿڰۣಌ ♥ڿڰۣಌ ♥ڿڰۣಌ ♥ڿڰۣಌ ♥ڿڰۣಌ ♥ڿڰۣಌ ♥ڿڰۣಌ ♥ڿڰۣಌ ♥ڿڰۣಌ

My world changed so much on that awful day
when I knew that my Lauren had gone so far away
My heart fell apart it simply broke in two
My darling daughter Lauren how I miss and love you

♥ڿڰۣಌ ♥ڿڰۣಌ ♥ڿڰۣಌ ♥ڿڰۣಌ ♥ڿڰۣಌ ♥ڿڰۣಌ ♥ڿڰۣಌ ♥ڿڰۣಌ ♥ڿڰۣಌ
Mom From my dear friend Colin Stratford October 31, 2012
Many special moments you and I shared,
Knowing you were there, knowing that you cared.
Memories in my mind, memories in my heart,
We are still together, never to be apart.
I know you're near and I feel your love,
I love you loads you knew I would.
Looking back and feeling sad,
But soon those moments will make me glad.
I know you're happy, but we are alone,

Feeling sorrow because you have left your h
Your new place, up in the sky,
You are with angels, way up high.
Missing you and feeling numb,
Even the sky has lost the sun.

But one day soon I hope we'll see,
That what has happened was meant to be.
It seems so harsh and hurts deep inside,
Why, oh why did you leave our side?
The skies are dark, our lives are grey,
"It'll soon be better", you used to say.
But this time there's no familiar sound,
Of your voice so sweet, that echoed around.
I suppose it's time to say goodbye,
But it's just so hard, I refuse to try.

The sky is clearing; the sun begins to shine,
The pain is easing and all seems fine.
But suddenly it's stormy again,
The sky is black, and it begins to rain.
I feel depressed and lonely too,
My only consolation is to think of you.
A thousand memories fill my mind,
A thousand thoughts, no one will find.

It feels like life has stopped in time,
But you are gone - to the sky to shine.
And so ends this poem from deep inside,
And hoping the pain will heal in time.
I loved you then and always will,
A hole in my heart, no one can fill.
Mom from my dear friend Colin Stratford... October 8, 2012
At night when I fall asleep
she is all I dream of...
The one who's always had my heart,
my angel from above...
I want to hold her in my arms,
comfort her when she weeps...
Be there to tuck her in at night,
then gently kiss her on the cheek...
I want to tell her sweet dreams
before she lays her head to rest...
Then whisper softly in her ear,
"to have you, I'm truly blessed"...
I want to be able to love her,
prove to her that she's my world...
Then I wake up crying tears
because I'm without my little girl...
My days without her hurt so bad,
I wish I had a memory...
And every day 'till we meet again,
I'll wish I had you here with me...

Mom from my dear friend Colin Stratford... October 8, 2012
From my dear friend Colin Stratford, grandfather of precious Alliyah..

Precious Daughter of mine,
forever my little Girl.
Your life on earth,
brought me pure joy.

I watched you each day,
as you developed and grew.
My life was complete,
peaceful and true.

The day that you left,
my heart suddenly stopped.
I fell to the ground,
my body just dropped.

I refused to believe,
this horrible fate.
My world lost its sun,
my soul felt the weight.

My only friend now,
are the tears that I weep.
The piercing pain in my heart,
is infinitely deep.

My mind shall forever,
repeatedly ask why,
The lonely answer,
will be the tears that I cry.
Mom Chasuble Dedication

For Lauren's birthday and angel date, I have flowers on the Altar in her memory. I wanted to do something more, so In memory of my child, I gave a beautiful, new Green Chasuble and stole to Father Peter and St. Andrew's Episcopal Church.  Following is an excerpt from the Church Bulletin followed by the part of the service for the CHASUBLE AND STOLE dedication:


On June 13, 2010 a beautiful new green chasuble and stole were dedicated by Bishop Baxter.  The chasuble and stole were given to the glory of God and in loving memory of Lauren Elizebeth Pacenta by her mother, Jo-Ann Pacenta. We express our deepest thanks to Jo-Ann for this lovely gift in memory of her beloved daughter, Lauren.

 Chasuble Dedication


     Given to the Glory of God and in loving memory of Lauren Elizabeth Pacenta


The Gift was presented to the Bishop with these words from Lauren's mom:


"I present to you this chasuble and this stole to be set apart for the service of Christ's holy Church."


The following Versicles and prayer was said:


V.  All things come from you, O Lord;

R.  And from your own gifts do we give to you.

V.  Prosper the work of our hands;

R.  Prosper our handiwork.

V.  Show your servants your works;

R.  And your splendor to their children.


Let us pray:


Almighty God, we thank you that you have put it into the hearts of your people to make offerings for your service, and have been pleased to accept their gifts.  Be with us now and bless us as we set apart this stole and chasuble to you praise and glory and in loving memory of Lauren Elizabeth Pacenta; through Jesus Christ our Lord.


Antiphon (Bishop and people together):


You shall make holy garments for Aaron, for glory and for beauty.


V.  Clothe your ministers with righteousness;

R.  Let your people sing with joy.


Let us pray.


O God, you revealed your son clothed in majesty and glory;  Accept this stole and chasuble for the use of the clergy of your Church, that, being clothed with humility as they minister to you, they may show forth his eternal splendor; through Jesus Christ our Lord.  Amen.


Almighty God, we remember before you today your faithful servant Lauren; and we pray that having opened to her the gates of larger life, you will receive her more and more into your joyful service, that, with all who have faithfully served you in the past, she may share in the eternal victory of Jesus Christ our Lord.  Amen



Melissa Scatto~ Mom to the Scatto Kids.. By Melissa

Aunt Crystal

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