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Lauren's fatherMerry ChristmasLauren's BirthdayLauren's Anniversary
Susie~Daniel Perez Jr
May the LORD guard our coming and going both now and forever. Amen. Blessings! ♥
dragan's dad
This candle is lit so that his memory will continue to light up the lives that knew her and miss her.
Louise-Grandma 2 Angie Robert
G/night Sweet Angel..Thank you Jo-Ann for the Christmas Graphic it is so nice and so thoughtful of you..Sending Hugs to you all..
LostMom to Patrick Barbosa
May God's Angels always keep you safe, at peace, and guide you into that eternal and bright life He has promised us. Miss you.
Beverly Brown (Thomas Allen)
As long as we know in our hearts what Christmas ought to be, Christmas is." xxxx
Jeralyn mom to Darrell Gillis
Good night beautiful angel, send sweet dreams to ur precious mom. U all r always in my heart & prayers. God Bless (Hugs JoAnn)
Diane Angel Mom~Katie Cassidy
Lauren please stay ever so close & send your special love, as Christmas is quickly approaching!! God Bless you!!
Dianne/mom of Nicholas White
Keeping the reason for the season close to my heart & rejoicing for u that you'll be with Jesus to help Him celebrate
mom 2 Waylon Kitchens
May the joy and peace of Christmas be with U all through the Year. Wishing U a season of bleesings from Heaven above!
LostMom to Patrick Barbosa
Come Holy Spirit fill the soul of Lauren with your glory and kindle her heavenly journey with your love. Amen. Glorious night!
Diane Angel Mom~Katie Cassidy
Wishing you hopefully gentle holidays filled with beautiful treasured memories of your sweet Angel!! Thoughts & Prayers!!
mom~Shane Ramirez
Silent thoughts,Tears unseen,wishing ur absence was only a dream,Thinking of u forever and Always,In my heart u will be,oxoxo
Con't Louise-Grandma 2 Angie
Loved..Jo-Ann you did a beautiful job on Lauren site love it she is a special Angel..God Bless
Louise-Grandma 2 Angie Robert
G/afternoon Angel..Life goes on and years have passed..But treasured memories always last..Always remembered and loved..
LostMom to Patrick Barbosa
May God's Angels always guide you with the greatest love, joyous peace, brightest path along your heavenly journey.We miss you
mom~Shane Ramirez
Angels on ur pillow sweetie,"The greatest gift is not found in a store or under a tree,But in the memories u left for me oxoxo
mom~Shane Ramirez
"a special angel a special face in our hearts, a special place. remembering u forever precious angel gbu oxoxoxoxoxoxooxoxoxox
LostMom to Patrick Barbosa
Sending you a bouquet of flowers for peace, joy, and happiness in Heaven. Wishing you a glorious journey. Sweet dreams Angel!XOXO.
F/ever Family to Angel V.Borg
Lighting this Candle with lots of Love,sweet dreams to You in Heaven above~ Love Always xoxo
LostMom to Patrick Barbosa
May Jesus protect you and comfort you with the greatet love, joyous peace, and brightest light along your heavenly journey.Love U
mom~Shane Ramirez
Sweet Dreams Lauren,sending my love to you and ur sweet mom,watch over her sweetie as she will be dreaming of you oxoxoxoooxxo
LostMom to Patrick Barbosa
May God embrace, protect, and comfort you along your heavenly journey with a joyous peace and brightest light in Heaven.Amen. XOXO
The lovely graphics on my son shawn's page today i meet another angel whom i will love sending hugs and prayers to your family
Susie~Daniel Perez Jr
Trust in the LORD for he is good. He is with us day and night. Send your Angels to guide us. Help us find Peace. ♥
dragan's dad
Prayers for your beautiful angel Lauren. God bless you and your family.
And never forget" Sweet Dreams Beautiful,May the angels surround you with their precious love GBU oxoxoxoxoxoxoxox
mom~Shane Ramirez
'Wishing 2day as we wished before,That God could have spared u many years more,IN r heart ur memory is kept,to Love,To Cherish
Louise-Grandma 2 Angie Robert
Lighting a candle in loving memory of you sweet Angel..Everyday that goes by you are thought about..Love always..xo
LostMom to Patrick Barbosa
Hello sweet Angel! I pray you were right next to your family when your candle was lit in your loving memory. You are still alive
F/ever Family to Angel V.Borg
☆ A beautiful candle~ to shine the whole night through~ its lit for a special Angel~ That special Angel is You☆Good-Night
Onesima~mom To ^Y^ Dino Raponi
A candle is lit to remember the past with you sweet Lauren and embarcing the memories with gratitude. G/B Hugs J0-Ann
Dianne/mom of Nicholas White
Here in Texas Nicky will be sharing his candle as we honor you Precious Angels during the ☀Worldwide☀ Candle☀Lighting☀
Margaret Buonpane
Lighting this candle in your memory. Remembering you always & Sending my prayers!
Randi-Mark's Mom
Thinking of you and your family. May you have a beautiful evening in heaven, sweet dreams to you.
cindi dana regans mom
Lauren may you see the bright lights from all of us to all of you!! In your honor i am lighting this one for you precious angel
Susie~Daniel Perez Jr
Know the true of time; snatch, seize, and enjoy every moment of it. (Lord Chesterfield) BLESSINGS!
Colleen ~ Patrick Carroll
~♥~You are forever loved Lauren Elizabeth Pacenta~♥~
Louise-Grandma 2 Angie Robert
Believing are Angels are not here with us is still so hard to do..But believing we will meet again,is what carries us through..xo
Mama - anđela M.Blekic
Lijepi anđele počivaj u miru Božjem uz sjaj ove svijeće. Tvojoj mami neka dragi Bog da snagu da izdrži svu bol...♥
mom 2 Waylon Kitchens
From Home 2 home, and heart to heart, from 1 place 2 another. The warmth and joy of Christmas brings us closer 2gether!
Susie~Daniel Perez Jr
I will strengthen you, and help you. Our hope is you, O Lord. May you be kind and faithful to us. Amen. Blessings! ♥
I miss you so much Lauren & I will love you with all my heart always & forever
LostMom to Patrick Barbosa
Sunday is world wide candle lighting. I pray people join us in thoughts and prayers to wish you a glorious heavenly journey.XOXOXO
Louise-Grandma 2 Angie Robert
Good afternoon to you sweet Angel on this beautiful sunny cold day..I'm sure heaven must be nice and warm for all you Angels..
Margaret Buonpane
You are Loved with a love beyond all feeling, Missed with a grief beyond all tears.
mom~Shane Ramirez
"May the winds of luv blow softly, & whisper for U 2 hear. How much we luv & miss U & wish that U were here"
Colleen ~ Patrick Carroll
~ ♥ ~ All, everything that I understand, I understand only because I love. ~Leo Tolstoy ~ ♥ ~
dragan's dad
Goodnight angel Lauren, sweetly sleep. God Bless your family down here.
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