Rejoice with the lord and know we will one day join you in the celebration of eternal life ~<3
12/16/2013 Claudia mom to ~Rocky Lindley~
May u have the gladness of Christmas which is hope; The spirit of Christmas which is peace;The heart of Christmas which is love. ♥
12/16/2013 Christin Mom 2 Aaron Wilkinson
Perhaps they are not the stars, but rather openings in Heaven where the love of our lost ones pours through and shines down upon us to let us know they are happy
♥Thinking of you/your mom♥Wishing you a good day in heaven Ms.Lauren♥Watch over/protect your mom with each passing day♥
12/16/2013 Louise-Grma To Angie
Angel,your candle still burns bright in so many hearts..Sending love to you and your Mom..My thoughts are always with u both..
Lauren keeping you in my thoughts & prayers has Christmas Time is nearly upon us again, Please be near your Mom GB Jo~Ann xoxo
12/16/2013 Michael Miller's ~Mom ~
"Merry Christmas in Heaven Lauren, I know it has to be a beautiful sight getting to spend Christmas with Our Lord.
12/16/2013 dragan's dad
Oh heart,if one should say to you that the soul perishes like the body,answer that the flower withers,but the seed remains.K.Gibran
12/16/2013 ♥Loving Family To Angel VBorg♥
Hugs Prayers and many blessing are being sent Your way with much Love.Good Night Lauren stay close xoxoxoxo
12/14/2013 Colleen ~ Thomas Carroll
~♥~*`*•We will meet again someday, but until we reunite, may heavenly peace surround you, and bathe you in its light..•*`*~♥~
12/13/2013 Claudia mom to ~Rocky Lindley~
Precious hiding place, In the shelter of His love, Not a doubt or fear, since your Lord is near, & U R sheltered in His Love♥
12/13/2013 Christin Mom 2 Aaron Wilkinson
Remember loved ones never leave
They are forever near
For their love lives on in memories
Our hearts hold dear”