They say that a part of you dies when a special Loved One passes away...I disagree...I say a part of you lives with your Loved One on the other side.”
― Daniel Yanez
03/18/2015 Katie Cassidy's Mom
Where ever you go, what ever you do, your Angels love is always with you!!
Thoughts & Prayers!!
03/18/2015 Mom To Michael Miller
Lauren you are loved more than words can express, missed more than words can say. Your mom is waiting to see you again one day.
03/18/2015 Kelli George's mom Lorraine
Why does the night sky sparkle? Because each star is a jewel carried by an Angel!
03/17/2015 ♥Loving Family To Angel VBorg♥
♣ Happy St. Patrick's Day Precious Lauren ♣
03/17/2015 Christin Mom 2 Aaron Wilkinson
Those we have held in our arms for a little while we hold in our hearts forever
03/17/2015 Colleen ~ Thomas Carroll
And Irish blessings in your heart! ~♥~ Happy Saint Patrick's Day, Slainte'! ♣
03/17/2015 Colleen ~ Patrick Carroll
♣ May you have: A world of wishes at your command, God & His angels close to hand, Friends & family their love impart,
03/17/2015 Kelli George's mom Lorraine
Thinking of you on St Patty's Day with love.
03/17/2015 dragan's dad
Blessings on St. Patrick's Day and always!
03/16/2015 Christin Mom 2 Aaron Wilkinson
They say love never dies
But it does leave an empty space
Where a heart should be
03/16/2015 Diane ~ Bob & Joyce Snoor
Your love & memories will always shine in the heart of your loving Mom!!
03/16/2015 Kelli George's mom Lorraine
Our angel families are our best friends. They share with us a love that cannot be experienced unless one has traveled this road.
03/16/2015 Katie Cassidy's Mom
Lauren strawberry candle is burning in my kitchen in memory & honor of you!!
Thoughts & Prayers!!
03/16/2015 dragan's dad
Years have come and gone but you are never forgotten. A candle burns in honor of you Angel, remembering your life…
03/16/2015 Kelli George's mom Lorraine
Thank you for helping Kelli sweet angel, Dillyn was born at 1pm MST, 7pds 8ozs, 19 inches long. She is beautiful.
03/15/2015 G'ma Louise To Angie
Thinking of all u sweet Angels over the weekend,weekend comes and weekend goes,wishing all our Angels could come back to stay..
03/15/2015 Mom To Michael Miller
When you find a penny on the ground, you will know Lauren is close around.
ღ(̆̃̃ღ One day,we will meet,have a gathering,do all the things we love to do with no worries,no cares,no broken heartsღ(̆̃̃ღ
03/15/2015 Kelli George's mom Lorraine
I know u r with Kelli sweet angel helping her guide her 4th niece Dillyn Evie, into this world. I can feel ur presence.
03/14/2015 Claudia mom to ~Rocky Lindley~
Lauren you're always close to my heart. I sure wish I could have known you. Someday...someday! :)
03/13/2015 ♥Loving Family To Angel VBorg♥
Lighting this Candle in Remembrance of Your Life Precious Lauren, Your Smiles & Your Inspiration
03/13/2015 Diane ~ Bob & Joyce Snoor
~♥~Lauren good night, sweet dreams & please visit your loving Mom~♥~
03/13/2015 Katie Cassidy's Mom
Happy Friday forever loved wishing you a glorious Heavenly day!!
Thoughts & Prayers!!
03/13/2015 Mom To Michael Miller
Today little moments become tomorrow precious memories.
03/12/2015 Christin Mom 2 Aaron Wilkinson
Although ur work on earth is done
Ur life in heaven has just begun
Ur struggles here were hard n long
But they're over now ur finally home
03/12/2015 G'ma Louise To Angie
It isn't always what we write or even what we say,it's what we feel with our hearts as we think of you today..God Bless
03/12/2015 Mom To Michael Miller
Special angel up above, in the hearts of those you love. you will live and never die, you're there precious angel in the sky.